Inquiring minds should want to know.
Recently one of my fellow attorney co-workers mentioned how she had grown up
Catholic and later walked away from faith when she got older. She did not
believe in miracles or the resurrection of Jesus. If given the opportunity to
answer the question, “How do you know Jesus rose from the dead?” I would
initially concentrate on just one of several historical facts, the empty tomb.[i]
The truth of Christianity hinges on the resurrection of Jesus. If Jesus did not
rise from the dead, the Christian faith is futile.[ii]
One of the most important pieces of
evidence that Jesus rose from the dead is his empty tomb. Historian and New
Testament scholar Gary Habermas claims that approximately “75% of scholars on
the subject accept the empty tomb as a historic fact.”[iii]
The discovery of the empty tomb has multiple attestations from “very early
independent sources,” such as the four Gospels, Acts, and 1 Corinthians.[iv]
According to Christian apologist William Lane Craig, “Historians think they
have hit historical paydirt when they have two independent accounts of the same
event. But in the case of the empty tomb we have a surfeit of independent
sources, no less than six, some of which are among the earliest materials to be
found in the New Testament.”[v]
One of the numerous reasons the biblical
account of the empty tomb is considered credible, is because it reports that
women were the ones who first found Jesus tomb empty. This was actually an
embarrassing fact since women were not seen as credible witnesses in Jewish
society, because they were “second-class citizens.”[vi]
If the empty tomb story was fabricated, the story would have had been more
believable to say men arrived first on the scene to discover the empty tomb. To
state an embarrassing truth makes it more credible.
most scholars agree on the fact that Jesus’ tomb was empty, a variety of
explanations for the reason the tomb
was empty have been offered. The Bible’s explanation for the empty tomb is that
God raised Jesus from the dead.[vii] However,
scholars rejecting the supernatural Resurrection Theory have posited various
natural explanations for the empty tomb, such as: the Conspiracy Theory, Apparent
Death Theory, Wrong Tomb Theory, and Displaced Body Theory.[viii]
Due to limited time, I will briefly discuss each of these theories in order to
show which one is the best or most probable explanation of the empty tomb.
Conspiracy Theory explanation for the empty tomb goes like this: “the disciples
stole the body of Jesus and lied about his postmortem appearances, thus faking
his resurrection.”[ix]
are many problems with this theory but we will just mention three: there is no
evidence for this theory; it would be bizarre to make up that women arrived at
the empty tomb first (as explained earlier); it fails to explain the conviction
that the disciples believed in the resurrection and they staked their very
lives on it.[x]
Although this theory was popular by Deists in the eighteenth century, today it
has been “completely given up by modern scholarship.”[xi]
Apparent Death Theory was promulgated by Heinrich Paulus and Friedrich
Schleirmacher around the beginning of the nineteenth century. This view held
that Jesus wasn’t dead when he was taken off the cross; he “revived in the tomb
and escaped to convince his disciples he had risen from the dead.”[xii]
The problems with this theory are similar to the problems with the Conspiracy
Theory, but additionally: Jesus’ torture and execution was probably impossible
to physically endure; this theory fails to explain how the executioner made
sure Jesus was dead by thrusting the spear in his side before he was removed
from the cross.[xiii]
Fortunately this theory has “been almost completely given up” by scholars.[xiv]
Wrong Tomb Theory, suggested by Kirsopp Lake in 1907, held that the tomb was
empty because the women went to the wrong tomb.[xv]
There are significant issues with this theory, but just to name two: the
location of the tomb was known to Jews and Christians in Jerusalem; this theory
does nothing to explain why the disciples believed they saw the resurrected
“Unlike the previous two theories considered, [this theory] generated virtually
no following but was dead almost upon arrival.”[xvii]
Displaced Body Theory, offered by Joseph Klausner in 1922, states that Joseph
of Arimathea moved Jesus’ dead body from the tomb to a criminal graveyard, and
the disciples mistakenly believed Jesus was resurrected. This theory has
similar problems as the Wrong Tomb Theory. Additionally, there is no evidence
that the location of Jesus’ grave or body was ever an issue.[xviii]
No scholars defend this theory today.[xix]
In conclusion, the resurrection is a real
event that can be historically investigated. A key piece of evidence that Jesus
rose from the dead is his empty tomb. Most scholars accept that the empty tomb
is a historic fact. When we considered various competing theories for the
reason for the empty tomb in order to determine the best explanation for it, it
should be clear that the evidence shows the Resurrection Theory is more
plausible than the other competing naturalist explanations. Therefore, the best
explanation for the empty tomb, and the one that I believe, is that God raised
Jesus from the dead.
William Lane Craig, Reasonable Faith:
Christian Trust and Apologetics, 3rd ed. (Wheaton: Crossway,
2008), 360-361.
1 Cor. 15:17 NIV.
Gary R. Habermas and Michael R. Licona, The
Case for the Resurrection of Jesus (Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications,
2004), 70.
Craig, Reasonable Faith, 364-366.
Ibid., 366.
Ibid., 367.
1 Cor. 15:15 NIV.
Craig, Reasonable Faith, 371-377.
Ibid., 371.
Ibid., 371-372
Ibid., 371.
Ibid., 373.
Ibid., 374.
Ibid., 373.
Ibid., 374.
Ibid., 374-375.
Ibid., 374.
Ibid., 376.
Ibid., 376.
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