Welcome to West Africa!

How do I even begin to describe our recent trip to West Africa?  No matter where I go in the world, I am always at home with our brothers and sisters. Even in seemingly dangerous places.

This time I had the enormous privilege of teaching biblical conflict resolution to a group of leaders at a Bible school where John taught a class on Apologetics. How does one teach peacemaking to a people who know religious persecution in a way that I have never experienced? Although I don't have all the answers, I do know One who has the answers. And I do have the best Book to guide me in all things. And that is what I shared.

I will never forget one of the students in my class, a former Muslim who became a Christian. Toward the end of the week and end of my teaching, he stood up and publicly confessed he had been harboring anger and hatred towards Muslims ever since his conversion. However, after learning biblical principles for peacemaking and conflict resolution, he realized he needed to forgive and love. He had a new found desire to reach out to the Muslims in love.

Another person confessed feeling bitterness and fear towards some Muslims who had burned down his house. After learning a Higher way of thinking (seeing conflict as an opportunity to glorify God, grow more like Christ, and serve others), he reached out in forgiveness to these folks.


Christ's example. Christ's love. Christ's forgiveness. Christ's sacrifice.

These precious ones are my heroes.


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