How I Came to Believe...

           Recently someone asked me if my testimony was posted online. I realized it wasn't and decided it was a very good thing to share.  I hope you are blessed...

        When I was 8 years old, my parents took my sisters and me to a new evangelical church in Des Moines, Iowa. That first Sunday visit was the first time I heard the Good News about Jesus Christ. I believed and accepted Jesus as my personal savior. As my family continued to attend church, my younger sisters and I become involved with various youth activities and musicals. 
          After graduating from high school, I moved to Southern California to attend a public university where my worldview was instantly challenged. I was not equipped for the battle. Initially I boldly defended my conservative Christian views. However, influenced by carnal sorority life and liberal Hollywood politics (I was an acting major in the Theater department), eventually I came to embrace progressive feminist and socialist ideals.  
I got married, graduated, and moved to the Los Angeles area so I could pursue the dream of becoming a Hollywood actress in film and television. It was a short-lived tepid career, to say the least. Those were my prodigal years.
Eventually we moved back to Orange County where I pursued acting and producing Theatre. I gave birth to my beautiful daughter. Soon after, I found myself a single mother, hurting and searching for answers to difficult questions.  Secular counseling, self-help books, and a return to the dating scene failed to provide answers. Lost and confused, I decided to go to back to church and see if God had anything to say. Did He ever! Within a year I was involved in my first Bible Study. I fell on my knees and surrendered my life to Christ.
 Since that time I developed a deeper relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. I love to study God’s Word, pray, and worship.  I have been honored to lead several Bible Studies which have resulted in good fruit and beautiful fellowship.   
My newfound commitment to follow Christ led me to pursue a dream always on my heart, to go to law school. Many folks now ask me how I made it through law school as a single mother. It is “by the grace of God.”
After passing the bar and practicing law for some time, I met a wonderful man, John Stewart, who became my husband. I became his partner in law and ministry. Our hearts desire to serve the living God, whether defending religious liberties, sanctity of life or traditional marriage, or helping others resolve conflict through Christian Conciliation, or traveling to other countries to teach and train leaders. My greatest prayer is that in surrendering my will and my life to Christ, that I will humbly be used to accomplish the Father’s great purpose for my life.



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