Israel: Do you love the land? Or do you love the people?
The question echoed in my mind. A friend in my Christian writer’s group went to Israel earlier this year and she relayed this story. While at the airport on her way to the Holy Land, a couple asked her, “Do you love the land? Or do you love the people?” Surprised by the question, my friend replied that she loved the people, of course. Sometimes loving is easier said than done. Why do I love Israel? It is different from Kenya and India--it is not third world. (Although approximately 25% of the Israelis currently live below the poverty line.) Despite Israel’s rich Holy Land heritage, to some it seems even more secular than America, spiritually poor. It is hard to imagine a country that exists against all odds, due to faith, miracles, and God’s promises, and yet so many people there do not know the one true living God. Less than 1/10 of 1% of Israeli Jews believe in Y’shua, Jesus....